5 Pages to Start:
Home, Services, About,Contact, FAQ
Home, Services, About,Contact, FAQ
A Contact Form:
An “After Hours” or quick inquiry form that sends you a lead when your customer fills it out
An “After Hours” or quick inquiry form that sends you a lead when your customer fills it out
A Photo Gallery:
So you can easily showcase your services and work
So you can easily showcase your services and work
A Blog:
Allows you to keep fresh content and information on your website (also helps SEO)
Allows you to keep fresh content and information on your website (also helps SEO)
Homepage Slideshow:
Animation which helps capture your visitors attention and encourages them to dig in to your site further
Animation which helps capture your visitors attention and encourages them to dig in to your site further
Social Connectors:
Share pages, information and more with social networks
Share pages, information and more with social networks
There’s a Lot More Available to You!
These are just a few of the features you should have on your website. Fill out the “See More Recommendations & Pricing” form on the right and we’ll contact you and discuss all your business needs.