Benefits of Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

Benefits of Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

What is PPC you ask? PPC advertising is a type of marketing on the internet where the advertisers only pay for the traffic they receive. PPC services are specifically geared towards search engines and advertising network websites, where the business agrees to pay a certain amount each time someone clicks on their advertisement. When setting up the PPC campaign, advertisers will choose keywords; those keywords are used to determine what sites come up when certain words are searched.

For instance, if you search San Diego Web Advertising, you will see ads to the right of the page, those are your PPC local search results.

PPC advertising provides you with all of these benefits:

• The ability to start driving visitors to your website quickly (usually within about 24 hours)
• Allows you to increase the expanse of your marketplace
• Geo-Targeting-Allows you to target specific customers rather than trying to blanket advertise
• Enables you to send people directly to the landing page most relevant to your company.
• Total control over your campaign/advertising costs
• PPC advertising also allows you to get in front of potential new clients while you work on your search engine ranking.
• You can create different offers and different landing pages to test results as well so you can find out if what you’re doing is working.

Google Adwords is the most popular choice of PPC campaigns, and is extremely easy to set up and monitor. Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft Ad Center are other great venue’s for PPC Marketing.