Inserting Pictures/Media/Audio/Video

Inserting Pictures/Media/Audio/Video

Inserting Pictures/Media/Audio/Video into your pages and/or Posts is actually very simple! There are few different ways you can do this so we will take you through all of them.

There is a set of icons on top of the content box that, if hovered over, say “insert picture,” “insert media,” “insert video,” “insert audio.” Simply click the icon of your choice, and a pop up box will appear.

Option 1: Inserting from your computer files:

1. Choose upload from computer
2. Find your file and click upload
3. Give your upload a Title
4. Choose the size you want to upload it as,
5. Choose the position (centered, left margin, or right margin)
6. Click “insert into post”

Option 2: Inserting from WordPress Media Library

1. Go to your dashboard
2. On the left hand side you will see “Media” click to expand it
3. Click “add new”
4. There you can upload pictures/videos/audio to store in your WordPress for later use
5. Now, go to your Post or Page, click the icon you wish to upload
6. Choose the tab “from media library”
7. Click “Show”
8. Make your choices just like above for positioning
9. Click “insert into page”

Option 3: Inserting From URL

1. Choose upload from URL
2. Enter the URL address
3. Give your upload a Title
4. Choose the size you want to upload it as,
5. Choose the position (centered, left margin, or right margin)
6. Click “insert into post”
7. You can also add alternate text or captions to the URL

Adding images and videos to your Web Design is a very tasteful and tantalizing way to keep your visitors on your website reading and wanting to know more about your products/services.

Small businesses in San Diego and all over the country use these methods all the time!