
What is a Gravatar

What is a Gravatar you ask? Well in Web Design, and in the internet world, we all have heard “avatar”. With avatars, you can have different ones for each place you visit on the internet. Gravatars, on the other hand are “Globally Recognized Avatar’s.” This means that your Gravatar will follow you around on WordPress whenever you post on a WordPress site.

Gravatars require no special plugins, they can be updated in one spot, and are simple to use. Here is how you set yours up:

1. Log in as administrator to your website
2. Then go to Settings > Discussion and find the “Avatar” Section
3. The “Avatar” section will give you several options:
a) Avatar Display: Here you can toggle Gravatars on and off for your site.
b) Maximum Rating: When people create a Gravatar, they are given the opportunity to rate their Gravatar image as G, PG, R, X based on its appropriateness.

So if you live in San Diego, you could utilize a picture of our beautiful weather as your Gravatar!