WordPress Housekeeping

WordPress Housekeeping

Just like any website you should perform monthly housekeeping in your administration panel. This helps keeps your disk space down, and keeps things organized. In Web Design, you will find that simply choosing the “perfect” photo to upload usually requires you to upload about 30 pictures to find the right one! So what happens to the other 29 after you have found the right one? Well they stay in your image files unless you get rid of them.

Here are a few things to keep in mind for housekeeping:

1. Upgrading: When a new version of WordPress comes out, be sure to install the upgrade. This doesn’t have to be done the very day it comes out but should be done. Don’t forget to back up your site first though; the instructions on how to do that are given step by step in another thread here.

2. Plugins: Always check for new plugins, and always upgrade your current plugins. This keeps your dashboard running smoothly. It is also safe to delete all unwanted, old, or outdated plugins as well.

3. Themes: It is not uncommon for a user to have a bunch of different themes stored, so its recommended that you get rid of unwanted or unused themes. This just cleans up your space so you can add more later

4. Themes: After you clean up the old ones, why not try a new one???

5. Images: Each time you upload an image it will save into your image manager. Its always good to go in and clean up those old and outdated files.

6. Posts/Pages: If you have any posts or pages that you have not published and do not intend publishing, cleaning them up will help you optimize your disk space.

Taking advantage of the simple steps above will make your WordPress experience easier and more organized!