How To Change the Number of Posts Displayed on Your WordPress Blog Page

How You Can Change the Number of Posts Displayed on Your WordPress Blog Page

Do you want to learn how to change the number of posts displayed on your WordPress blog page? If the answer is yes, then this post is for you. By default, WordPress will only show a maximum of ten posts per page. This can be limiting if you have more posts. The good news is that it is possible to change the maximum number of posts per page on the dashboard settings. You can do this with just two steps.

Get to your dashboard

The first thing you need to do is login to your WordPress dashboard. You then need to go to Settings>>Reading page. From here you have to change the value of the ‘Blog pages show at most’ option. By default the number set is 10. Set the number that you want. You can take that number down or increase it to whichever number you want. You then need to save the changes. With that you are done changing the number of posts displayed on your WordPress blog page.

How many posts should you display on the My Blog Page?

Most people go with the default settings which allow them to display a maximum of 10 posts per page. This is an appropriate number to go with because it improves user experience by not causing confusion. Displaying 10 posts has also been found to be beneficial from an SEO perspective.

All in all, you can display as many posts on the My Blog Page as you want. All in all, it is not recommended to pick a number that is higher than 10 more so if you are showing excerpts. The reason for sticking with just 10 posts is because the more posts you display on the page, the bigger the page will get both in length and size. Needless to say, a big page will take longer to load up and this can be frustrating to visitors.

10 posts with excerpt per page including a featured image will be great. Doing this makes it easy for the users to browse through the archives faster and they get a better user experience.

All things considered, the number of posts you display on the blog page is a matter of personal preference. The rule of thumb, however, is to never make the page too big by adding too many posts. You can also take a look at what other bloggers are doing to know which number will be ideal.

Posts displayed on your WordPress blog page