How to Change Your WordPress Password

How to Change Your WordPress Password

If you want to learn how to change your WordPress password this post is for you. The two main reasons why you might want to change the password is if you forgot it or you need to change it for security reasons. While the lost password link does exist on the login page, the reset password email may never get to you. There are also times when you may want to forge a change of WordPress password for every user because of security reasons. Here are the different ways you can change the password.

Change password in two minutes or less

If you can login to your website you can change your WordPress password in just two minutes. After logging in, go to Users>>Your Profile from the WordPress menu. Go to Account Management and locate ‘New Password’ option. Click on ‘Generate Password’ and then add a new password. You can use the strong password that was generated or change it with a password of your own. Click ‘Update Profile’ when you are done. After this you will see a Profile Updated notification and also get an email notification.

How to reset password when locked out

If you lost your password, you need to go to the WordPress login page and click on ‘Lost your password?’ link. You will be redirected to the password reset page. You have to enter your email address or username to reset your password. WordPress will email you a password resent link. Click on the link to change your password.

Change password from the Database

What happens when you no longer have access to the email where the password reset link was sent to or you never receive the link? The solution is to reset password from your database directly. You need to use phpMyAdmin. Login to your hosting account and click on phpMyAdmin option. Launching the phpMyAdmin app will show you the list of databases that you have. Select the one associated with your WordPress website.

From the list of tables, locate wp_users table and click ‘Browse’. You will now see the list of users in the WordPress website. Click ‘Edit’ next to your user account. You will now see a form with user information fields. Delete the value in user_pass field and replace it with your new password. Under function column select MD5 and click ‘Go’. You have changed your password.

Force change password for all users

If there are new data compliance regulations or you were hacked, you might want to change the password for all users. You can do so using Password Expiration plugin.

Change Your WordPress Password