How to Display Your Posts by Day, Week or Month

How to Display Your Posts by Day, Week or Month

When you have popular posts, you want to utilize them as much as you can. To do this, you can choose to display them by day, week, month or all the time. WordPress makes this possible. The best thing about having popular posts is that you will be able to discover the top content on your website and help you increase engagement as well as page views.

As your website grows, you will notice that some of your older posts didn’t get a lot of exposure. You can give them the exposure they need by showcasing them on top of your content list. This will boost exposure and engagement. The problem is when showing your most popular posts, only a handful of content will get the exposure. You can diversify exposure by displaying by day, week or month. This post tackles how to do that on a WordPress website.

Starting point
The first thing you need to do is to install the WordPress Popular Posts plugin. This plugin offers a wide range of options such as time range, featured images, excerpt, views count and so on. Once you activate the widget, go to Appearance >> Widgets and drag the widget to the sidebar. Edit the widget to your liking. To set the daily widget, set time range to 24 hours. You will need a different widget for weekly posts. Set the time range to 7 days. Save the changes. You need to repeat these steps if you need monthly featured posts.

Tabbed widget
The purpose of this is to show the popular posts inside a single widget with tabs. To do this, you have to install Ultimate Tabbed Widget plugin. After activating it, go to Appearance >> Widgets page. Go to the ‘Default Tabbed Widget Area. Move all the popular posts widgets to this area. After doing that, locate the Ultimate Tabbed Widgets in your installed widgets then add to the sidebar of your website. Place it where you need the popular posts to be displayed.

Don’t forget to provide the titles for the popular posts widget. Under the widget area, select ‘Default tabbed widget area’ hen select tabs for the template field. Save the changes.

That is all you need to do to display WordPress posts by day, week or month. Needless to say, before you start working, make sure you backup your website. The last thing you want is to lose all your data when something goes wrong.

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