What You Must Do When Installing WordPress

What You Must Do When Installing WordPress

When you want to install WordPress there are a number of critical things you will have to do. Although WordPress is a user-friendly content management system, simple mistakes when installing the CMS can lead to significant problems later on. If you are now installing WordPress, here are the important things you need to do.

Automate backups

There is nothing worse than having to start from scratch simply because your website crushed. Any computer system can crush. Your WordPress website can also crush when making changes to it or after running an update. To avoid losing everything due to a glitch, it is important that as you install WordPress you automate the backups. Having a fresh backup will help recover your website in the event of a crush. There are many backup services provided by WordPress. The key is to automate the backups.

Confirm the login details

When installing WordPress through the platform provided by your hosting service provider it is easy to assume that everything is perfect and simply click next without reading. There is no harm in going through all the details in the auto-installer. An area you should pay attention to is the admin username and password. These two will be auto generated. Make sure you write down the username and password before clicking ‘Next’. What is more is that you should think about creating a separate account for author. Don’t use the administrator account for non-administrative tasks. Doing this will make your website more secure.

Install the essential plugins only

There are so many WordPress plugins that you can install. Most of them are free to use. Even so, you must only install the plugins that are essential to your website. Remember that the more plugins your website has the longer it will take to load up. You must also delete the unused plugins and themes. Doing so will speed up your website.

Opt for the premium plugins

Last but not least, it is imperative that you use the premium themes when you install WordPress. Yes the free themes are tempting but the premium ones are better. Free themes have been found to have bugs and lack the required technical support. Premium themes, on the other hand, are professionally designed and receive sufficient technical support. With a premium theme you will be guaranteed of regular updates that will improve your website.

These are the vital considerations you have to make before installing WordPress. It is also good to make sure that you read the description of a theme or plugin before installing it. Don’t be afraid to get expert help from experienced web designers too.

Install WordPress