Content on your Web Design
In the last segment we focused on some of the content techniques important to your ranking. In this segment we’re going to address the importance of value, consistency, and relevance.
Relevancy: What is it? Think for a moment about what kind of information you’re looking to get when you do a search on the internet. If you type in a search for example for San Diego Web Design would you expect to obtain information about how to fix a bicycle? Would you expect information general to San Diego? Of course not. You’re looking for information that pertains to Web Design in San Diego. The relevancy of your content plays a role in your rankings. You need to make sure the information you’re providing pertains directly to the search you’re optimizing for.
Why is this so important? Google is looking to provide the “Best” search results to it’s users. This helps their users consistently choose to use
them over Bing, etc. so providing relevant information is important to them and therefore important to you. Google also takes bounce rates
into consideration. Bounce rates are the % of people who find your website and immediately “bounce” or leave it without digging in to other
pages. Think about it. If you have a high bounce rate it usually will be because your content is not relevant and/or valuable. Who wants to
stay on a website that doesn’t give what you’ve been looking for? Noone.
Consistency: Right now you’re probably asking… “what is content consistency Mark?”. It means being consistent in the addition and delivery of new, relevant, and valuable information on your website. If you’re a sharp techie you’ve already picked up on it. That’s one of the reasons for this forum as well (Mark…. you don’t do this just for the benevolence of all??). We are consistently adding information and data that is relevant and valuable to San Diego business owners who want to try to increase their rankings themselves. As an aside, I really do like to support local business owners here in San Diego as I am one myself and understand the intricacies and trials involved in running a business. Be Consistent! Provide relevant and valuable information to your visitors!
Value: We all know what this is but very few websites (especially those that are service oriented) provide valuable content. Most focus on selling their product or service. We all understand that is the largest part of what your website is for, but if you bring valuable information to the table for your visitors you get a couple of benefits:
1. Return visits – Traffic volume (how many visitors you get) plays a part in your rankings. The higher the volume, the better the rankings (in
general). But return visits can also bring you business. Here’s an example: An electrical contractor decides he’s going to
give some instructions on his website on how to replace a socket. He details out a few diagrams of what the wiring options
should be on the wall wires and what your socket placements and configuration should be. Noone is going to remember that.
However they may come back to it when trying to do it on their own and that = Traffic… which is good for your website. Now
let’s take it to the revenue level. A fair amount (no averages provided) of visitors will have some curiosity on how to do it
themselves but won’t be comfortable doing it. They will need to call someone to do it for them. I hope our electrical contractor
included information about how to reach him if they just would like to have it done for them. Get my drift? Good.
2. Links – If people find your information valuable they may link to it from their website. You got it. Free inbound links. Value matters.