Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker

This is yet another great feature, once installed it will begin scanning all of your links on your pages, and determine if they are good or not.

Once it is done it will leave you a great little list in your admin section for Broken Links, that way all you need to do is go to one place and either delete the link, determine it is not broke manually, or fix it!

To install the Broken Link Checker please follow the below instructions:

1. Download and UNZIP the file to your computer
2. Upload broken-link-checker folder to the /wp-content/plugins/directory
3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Once it is install you can go to Settings> Link Checker to configure or tweek your personal preferences!

If there is one thing we all can agree on that is broken links make your Web Design loose interest, who wants to get to a site that provides them all the info they need, only to click the links and have nothing happen!