Social Media Widgets

Social Media Widgets

Well now we all know what Facebook is right? LinkedIn,? MySpace?, Twitter?, Digg?

Well guess what, you can now link your website to your social networking sites! It’s great, you install the widget and VOILA, you can choose from hundreds of different social networking sites, and link to yours, PLUS you get the cool icon for each one.

Installation is simple:

1. Upload the social-media-widget folder and all contents to /wp-content/plugins
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Go to Appearance->Widgets and activate the widget (Social Widget), set options and click save

That was easy!

Here is a small screen shoot of a few of the Social Media icons available. Who knew Web Design could be so easy!


WordPress Design is easier than ever, but if you have questions please post them, we are here to help you!