How to Create Custom Permalinks in WordPress

How to Create Custom Permalinks in WordPress

If you want to learn how to create custom permalinks in WordPress then this post is for you. Permalinks are the permanent URLs on your individual blog pages, posts and any other archived page on a WordPress website. The permalink is the URL structure used on a specific page without affecting the rest of your URL structure. WordPress has an SEO friendly URL structure that is easy to use by both search engines and humans. However, you can change the permalink the way you want.

How to change the permalink structure in WordPress

To change the entire URL generation scheme, you have to go to Settings>>Permalinks page from the admin area. There are several options to choose from here. In addition to the common settings, you can use the shown tags to customize the permalink further. Save the changes once you are done.

The best way to create custom permalinks in WordPress is to use URL structures that include the name of the post in the URL. That way the link will not only be meaningful but also more SEO friendly. You should, however, not change the permalink of posts that are already getting traffic as doing so will affect their SEO ranking. Only change on new blogs and web pages.

Change the category and tag URL prefix

WordPress uses /category/ as the default base for the category URLs and /tag/ for tag pages. You can change this by going to Settings>>Permalinks page. From here you can change the prefix to anything you want.

Change individual page or post URL

Now that you have setup the structure of your permalinks, it will be used as the template for all links on your website. Even so, you can modify the structure whenever you want for individual pages or posts. You can do this when editing a new page or post. Below the title you entered you will find the permalink together with an edit button. Click on that button to edit the URL slug. Click save when you are done.

Change WordPress Category or Tag URL

To change the URL keywords for an individual tag or category you should go to Posts>>Categories page then click on Edit link located below the category you wish to customize. WordPress will load the category details. You can then change the slug to customize the permalink. You can edit the tag in the same way by going to Posts>>Tags page.

Create custom permalinks in WordPress