What are Plugins, and How do I Install Plugins on WordPress?

What are Plugins, and How do I Install Plugins on WordPress?

WordPress plugins are scripts that you can install on your website to extend the functionality of your site. They are designed to either enhance your current features, or add new features that are not usually available. These plugins are available for anything from spam control, as we discussed above, to rating system, word counts, and even weather reports. Plugins are always optional and always based on the needs of your Web Design!

Plugins are usually designed by volunteers and available to the public for free. Sometimes you run across ones that require a small fee, but for the most part they are free. WordPress has its very own directory of plugins available as well, just keep in mind, most plugins are a work in progress and you will need to update them as the developers update their works.

1. You can find WordPress plugins by taking these steps.
2. Administration Panels
3. Plugins
4. Add New panel

Or Directly via:

1. Official WordPress Plugins Directory.

How to install WordPress Plugins:

1. Go to Plugins
2. Click Add New
3. Find the Plugin you want to install.
4. Click “Install Now”
5. A popup window will ask you to confirm your installation.
6. Click Proceed to continue with the installation.
7. The next screen will list the installation as successful, or list any problems during the install, and then give you any further instructions to follow.

Using plugins gives you more control over your features and design.

How to Uninstall WordPress Plugins:

To uninstall a WordPress Plugin:

1. Go to Plugins screen.
2. Find the Plugin you want to deactivate and uninstall.
3. Click Deactivate.

The plugin will then start its process of deactivating.

Keep in mind that there are some plugins are MUST USE. This happens when you are using a Multisite version of WordPress.
Business’ all over San Diego are utilizing WordPress and the amazing plugins available to ensure their site offers everything their clientele or future clientele might need!